Name: Fredrik
Age: 15
Country: Sweden
Character Name: Frimz
Race: Blood elf
Class: Paladin
<Guild History>:
-In which guild you are now,the guilds u were in the past and why did you leave or get kicked
Im in Fyrians atm but were making no progress.
-What specc you have now,Your desirable specc and if u are willing to respecc for the guild requirements) Holy. Yes im willing to respecc. Dont got gear for it tho
Professions: Enchanting and mining.
Armory Profile:
What are your playing hours:
-Tell us what days you can play and the hours you can play these days.Our usual raiding times are 19:00 to 23:00-00:00 4 days per week Saturday usually is a day off
Those times suit me very good.
Are you able to farm your own consumables?:
-(Potions,Elixirs,Flasks etc).
You know paladins.
Are you willing to stay in the raid until a boss is down:
-If u can afford repair costs and try as many times as the raid wants
Yea if it dosenĀ“t is to late.
-Karazhan,Black Temple,Mount Hyjal and Heroic Keys
Kara attuned. All heroic keys.
-Tell Us A bit about your raiding experience first from PreTBC (MC,BWL,Onyxia,AQ20,AQ40.ZG,Naxxramas) and also your TBC experience (Karazhan,Gruuls Lair.SSC.TK.Mount Hyjal,Black Temple,Zul'Aman)
Done ZG pretbc. Done Kara,Gruul and tries on VR.
Friends in guild:
-Tell us if u know some1 from our guild or some1 who can reccomend you
I know Deran and Rezaman a little.
Why u want to join us:
I want to join an active raiding guild that makes progress.
Activity-Play Times:
4 days a week. from 17:00 to 23:30.
What do you expect from the guild and what does the guild might expect from you:
I expect a friendly guild that have fun. I got good gear and know what to do.
Tell Us A Bit about your self: I live in a small town in the Swedish forests
.I like to hang out with friends and play football when im not playing wow.