Name: Alexander
Age: 19
Country: Sweden
Character Name: Nafty
Race: Orc
Class: Warrior
<Guild History>:(In which guild you are now,the guilds u were in the past and why did you leave or get kicked)
With this char Ive only made some Karazhan with friends but I used to have a Priest in Midvinter, Skatfan. I've killed 4/5 in MH and 3 bosses in BT.
Reason why I left was that I got hacked and Blizzard wont give me my acc back ( >.< ) so now im playing this char instead
Specc:(What specc you have now,Your desirable specc and if u are willing to respecc for the guild requirements)
atm im MS-specced, but I got decent +hit-gear for fury and some nice tanking gear to.
Im ready to respecc for the guild, but I would like to go as dps in raids.
Professions: bs/mining 375/375
Profile:(Armory.Allakhazam,CTprofiles) you able to farm your own consumables?:(Potions,Elixirs,Flasks etc.)
yes, ofc.
Are you willing to stay in the raid until a boss is down:(afford repair costs and try as many times as the raid wants)
Yes, cant get progress without whipes.
Attunements:(Karazhan,Black Temple,Mount Hyjal and Heroic Keys)
attuned to Karazhan and got all Heroics keys.
Experience:(TBC and PreTBC)
pretbc: Before tbc I only had time to do ZG, MC and AQ20.
tbc: full karazhan, full SSC, full TK, 4/5 MH and 3/9 BT
Friends in guild:
Sotnunan, Clime, Zuljiin, Glimmapro, Blz
Why u want to join us:
I want to raid as another class, raiding as healing priest for a very long time and im ready to try something new. And ofc, I want to play with my IRL-friends
Activity-Play Times:(What times and which days can you raid)
I can raid whole week, friday and saturday is a question mark because you dont know when you will go out
What do you expect from the guild and what does the guild might expect from you:
Well, I expect to have fun, get progress with a new guild.
Tell Us A Bit about your self: My name is Alexander, I spend alot of my time infront of the computer, atm im in search for a job.
Thanks for looking into my apply.