Name: Oscar
Age: 16
Country: Sweden
Character Name: Grongor
Race: Troll
Class: Shaman
<Guild History>:
Pre Tbc- Event Horizon (from jeklik to raggy) Midvinter (Aq stuff) got kicked cuz of under age and not talkactive enough.
Tbc- Have switched guilds quite alot cuz of G disbands, raided most of Kara.
Mainly Geared for Elemental (mostly Epic Geared) But also got some resto gear with a few epics in it.
Alchemy/Herb -Can make almost all Flasks and major res pots.
Armory Profile:
Note That I'm pvp equiped in Armory
What are your playing hours:
My Raiding time Is usually at any time from 19-23.00, exept when I need to Study, wich is not that often.
Are you able to farm your own consumables?:
I'm alch so I farm my own stuffs and can help others if they need pots or flasks.
Are you willing to stay in the raid until a boss is down:
Ofc, that is what it's all about.
Got all Heroic keys and attuned to Karazhan. I'll be attuned to Mh and Bt in a while
pre tbc- ZG, MC, AQ20,
tbc- Karazhan
Friends in guild:
Noone that I can remember off, Played with a mage from Deliberation this morning in Heroic Ramparts.
Why u want to join us:
- I want to raid before Wotlk and experiance some serious raiding. And Deliberation seems like a nice and serious guild with members who have lots of experiance,
Activity-Play Times:
All days from 19-23. on fridays 19-00.40
What do you expect from the guild and what does the guild might expect from you:
- I hope for some fun and challenging Raiding, And the guild can expect A heavy dps out from my side, or tons of heal if that is what you need.
Tell Us A Bit about your self:
-My name Is Oscar. I'm 16 and am from Uppsala, Sweden.
If you want to know anything else just ask me ingame, hope to hear from you.