Name: Isac
Age: 16
Country: Norway
Character Name: Sandalf
Race: Undead
Class: Rogue
<Guild History>: In hells Grannies with some friends now, while i look for a guild with progress, i've been in some other, not so good guilds, only doing karazhan.
Specc: Hybrid ( 26/0/35 ), Respecc combat if wanted.
Professions: 375 LW and 75 mining atm
Profile: Can't currently get on Armory, will post it when i can...
Are you able to farm your own consumables?: Can farm the money for it, no problem.
Are you willing to stay in the raid until a boss is down: Yes.
Attunements: Karazhan attuned and all heroic keys
Experience: Karazhan cleared and attempt on gruul's.
Friends in guild:
I know Kenchan quite good, and played a bit with some others in the guild in the past
Why u want to join us:
I want a progressing guild, and looking for more fun :-)
Activity-Play Times: Can raid everyday till around 23.30, and whole night on Friday and Saturday
What do you expect from the guild and what does the guild might expect from you:
Meeting new people and explore more content in WoW, the gear will come eventually anyway
Goodluck With Your Application
Tell Us A Bit about your self: